DAY 26...Celebrity Status, part 2 - i'm Tellin'
"Be totally honest, first of all with yourself" - Fr. Tom Hopko #24 on living a Christian Life
Honesty isn't always easy. It can be difficult to come clean. It can be difficult to point out one's own flaws.
Terry Crews is an actor known for his Old Spice commercials and roles in movies and television such as Idiocracy and Brooklyn 99. He's got a family with a wife and kids. Knowing he's famous and knowing he's got people depending on him, this is what he has to say:
Honesty isn't always easy. It can be difficult to come clean. It can be difficult to point out one's own flaws.
Terry Crews is an actor known for his Old Spice commercials and roles in movies and television such as Idiocracy and Brooklyn 99. He's got a family with a wife and kids. Knowing he's famous and knowing he's got people depending on him, this is what he has to say:
Another personality confesses his problem. Why? Because talking about it with people, especially the right people, is a part of the necessary steps to overcome this problem. We're not saying you should make a youtube video or tell the whole world. Terry Crews was free from porn for almost 7 years when he made this video, but he started somewhere, he started by telling his wife.
The video starts out a little awkward. Maybe it's hard for him to say at first, but once he gets going, he gets more comfortable knowing he's doing the wrong thing. He says, "By not telling people, it becomes more powerful but when you put it out loses its power. And everybody wants you to keep this little secret...I'm tellin'!"
Why is he telling? One reason is because talking to others is an important part of recovery and the other reason is because he wants to help and encourage people. Terry Crews talks more about his road to porn addiction, among other things in his memoir, Manhood: How to Be a Better Man-Or Just Live With One.
Has you respect for Terry Crews diminished or grown? Is his admission something that caused you to like him less? We would guess not.
You can be as admirable as this guy, first you have to be honest with yourself. Then tell the right person about this issue and that person will respect you more for talking about it. When you gain respect from someone, your self worth will rise and you will be on your way to recovery.
The video starts out a little awkward. Maybe it's hard for him to say at first, but once he gets going, he gets more comfortable knowing he's doing the wrong thing. He says, "By not telling people, it becomes more powerful but when you put it out loses its power. And everybody wants you to keep this little secret...I'm tellin'!"
Why is he telling? One reason is because talking to others is an important part of recovery and the other reason is because he wants to help and encourage people. Terry Crews talks more about his road to porn addiction, among other things in his memoir, Manhood: How to Be a Better Man-Or Just Live With One.
Has you respect for Terry Crews diminished or grown? Is his admission something that caused you to like him less? We would guess not.
You can be as admirable as this guy, first you have to be honest with yourself. Then tell the right person about this issue and that person will respect you more for talking about it. When you gain respect from someone, your self worth will rise and you will be on your way to recovery.
Today's Instructions:
A. Pray for the day, for friends, for family, for enemies. Thanksgiving, Requests, Praise.
B. In the Fortify Program, Update the battle tracker. Go to Week 4. Watch, "The Addiction Cycle," Complete, "How Do You Get Relief?"
C. Go to the daily readings and read today's Scripture.
D. Journal the following: 1. What do you need to be honest about? 2. Who can/do you get honest with? 3. Is there anything outside of pornography that you need to be honest with yourself about?
Today's Tips: When the urges come get up. Stop. Breathe. Pray. Put away the phone. Take a walk. Get up and move around.
God give you strength. See you tomorrow.
Don't ever come back to this page to start over. This is the launching pad. You've already begun, even if you fall.
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