DAY 36...Forgiveness
"If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him." – C.S. Lewis
There is a healthy amount of guilt and a dangerous amount of guilt. Sometimes we do things that really have long lasting effects of guilt on us. The guilt lingers a bit longer than it should. Guilt is something that allows us to recognize that we did something wrong. Without a healthy amount of it, we might go on sinning, hurting others, without a second thought. But guilt that stays with us and that which we will not let go of is not healthy and makes us feel worthless.
There is NOTHING you can do that would make God stop loving you. Nothing. Forgiveness is a key component of growth and the ability to move forward. This applies to everyone. You must forgive everyone, whether it be yourself or someone else, for you to move on, for you to move forward.
There is a healthy amount of guilt and a dangerous amount of guilt. Sometimes we do things that really have long lasting effects of guilt on us. The guilt lingers a bit longer than it should. Guilt is something that allows us to recognize that we did something wrong. Without a healthy amount of it, we might go on sinning, hurting others, without a second thought. But guilt that stays with us and that which we will not let go of is not healthy and makes us feel worthless.
There is NOTHING you can do that would make God stop loving you. Nothing. Forgiveness is a key component of growth and the ability to move forward. This applies to everyone. You must forgive everyone, whether it be yourself or someone else, for you to move on, for you to move forward.
In this scene from the 1998 version of Les Miserables, we see Jean Val Jean steal and get caught. The Bishop instantly forgives Val Jean and for the first time Val Jean feels God's love and his worth is restored.
Fr. Antony Hughes says, "Repentance is losing all hope in a better past." The past is behind us. There is nothing we can do about it. We can not dwell on it. Sure it is something we can learn from. If we're not learning then we're not growing. However, if we live so much in the past, its hard to forgive ourselves.
This is why we try to feed the good wolf. We've recognized that there is something in us that we do not like and instead of dwelling on that something, we dwell on the things that make us stronger, better, fuller.
Today's Instructions:
A. Pray for the day, for friends, for family, for enemies. Thanksgiving, Forgiveness, Requests, Praise.
B. In the Fortify Program, Update the battle tracker. Go to Week 6. Check out, "Secure Your Home Base" and " Get Rid of a Trigger"
C. Go to the daily readings and read today's Scripture.
D. Journal the following: 1. Is there something that you have a hard time forgiving yourself for? 2. Is there other people in your life that need forgiveness from you? 3. Is there anyone that you need to ask for forgiveness?
Today's Tips: When the urges come, get up. Stop. Breathe. Pray. Get a ball, a tennis ball or something and play catch with someone and talk. The movement and discussion is helpful.
God give you strength. See you tomorrow.
Don't ever come back to this page to start over. This is the launching pad. You've already begun, even if you fall.
If you want to review this page, please do, but do not come back here to start over.
Fr. Antony Hughes says, "Repentance is losing all hope in a better past." The past is behind us. There is nothing we can do about it. We can not dwell on it. Sure it is something we can learn from. If we're not learning then we're not growing. However, if we live so much in the past, its hard to forgive ourselves.
This is why we try to feed the good wolf. We've recognized that there is something in us that we do not like and instead of dwelling on that something, we dwell on the things that make us stronger, better, fuller.
Today's Instructions:
A. Pray for the day, for friends, for family, for enemies. Thanksgiving, Forgiveness, Requests, Praise.
B. In the Fortify Program, Update the battle tracker. Go to Week 6. Check out, "Secure Your Home Base" and " Get Rid of a Trigger"
C. Go to the daily readings and read today's Scripture.
D. Journal the following: 1. Is there something that you have a hard time forgiving yourself for? 2. Is there other people in your life that need forgiveness from you? 3. Is there anyone that you need to ask for forgiveness?
Today's Tips: When the urges come, get up. Stop. Breathe. Pray. Get a ball, a tennis ball or something and play catch with someone and talk. The movement and discussion is helpful.
God give you strength. See you tomorrow.
Don't ever come back to this page to start over. This is the launching pad. You've already begun, even if you fall.
If you want to review this page, please do, but do not come back here to start over.