DAY 45...What's It Worth?
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" - Mark 8:36
What's your soul worth? What is your relationship with God worth? Is there something that you would want more than an eternal relationship with God? There have been movies and TV shows that portray someone selling their soul to the devil for everything they want. They soon find out that it was a big mistake.
In an episode of the Simpsons, Bart loses his soul and can't fog glass with his breath anymore or open automatic doors by walking up to them. Simple stuff, but what it was trying to demonstrate was that it's that deep part within us that makes us real. Without it we're really, lifeless.
What's your soul worth? What is your relationship with God worth? Is there something that you would want more than an eternal relationship with God? There have been movies and TV shows that portray someone selling their soul to the devil for everything they want. They soon find out that it was a big mistake.
In an episode of the Simpsons, Bart loses his soul and can't fog glass with his breath anymore or open automatic doors by walking up to them. Simple stuff, but what it was trying to demonstrate was that it's that deep part within us that makes us real. Without it we're really, lifeless.
Nothing is more important than our relationship with God. Judas valued Jesus' life at about 30 pieces of silver. He sold the King, his savior, his friend, God! For 30 pieces of silver. That's crazy!
What is also crazy is when we trade our relationship with Him or even our friends and family for something that doesn't love us at all. When we continually choose to engage in acts that are damaging to ourselves, our loved ones, and to Him we're trading in our relationship for garbage. We betray God.
But all is not lost. Love wins! We can turn from these things and come back to God. We must start with considering what is at stake every time we choose to do wrong and damaging things, like viewing pornography.
What is also crazy is when we trade our relationship with Him or even our friends and family for something that doesn't love us at all. When we continually choose to engage in acts that are damaging to ourselves, our loved ones, and to Him we're trading in our relationship for garbage. We betray God.
But all is not lost. Love wins! We can turn from these things and come back to God. We must start with considering what is at stake every time we choose to do wrong and damaging things, like viewing pornography.
Today's Instructions:
A. Pray for the day, for friends, for family, for enemies. Thanksgiving, Requests, Praise.
B. In the Fortify Program, Update the battle tracker. Go to Week 7. Check out, "Regaining Control of Your Life," How Are You Going To Regain Control?" and "Overall Health."
C. Go to the daily readings and read today's Scripture.
D. Journal the following: 1. What do you value your relationship with God at? 2. Would you trade that for anything?
Today's Tips: When the urges come get up. Stop. Breathe. Pray. Open up your Holy Week book to Holy Wednesday and read it, the prayers are amazing.
God give you strength. See you tomorrow.
Don't ever come back to this page to start over. This is the launching pad. You've already begun, even if you fall.
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