DAY 42...Commit to Truth
"Hold onto what you believe in the light, when the darkness has robbed you of all your sight." - Mumford and Sons
You have options. If you were to have a hamburger, you might be asked, "do you want Ketchup or mustard on that?" "How about or relish or tomato or onions? How about cheese? Cheddar? Blue? Swiss..." You get the point. That's just for a hamburger. There was a time when you'd walk into a burger place and you'd get a cheeseburger. The same thing has gone for life. Perhaps you've been invited to an event so you give a good solid..."Maybe." There could be something better to come around, so we wait to RSVP.
This also goes for our beliefs. We are a fickle generation. Well, maybe we're not too far off from previous generations. Just think about those around when Christ was alive. One day the Jews are celebrating Christ's entry into Jerusalem and less than a week later they are convinced He should be crucified. It's almost unbelievable. But it's totally believable.
You have options. If you were to have a hamburger, you might be asked, "do you want Ketchup or mustard on that?" "How about or relish or tomato or onions? How about cheese? Cheddar? Blue? Swiss..." You get the point. That's just for a hamburger. There was a time when you'd walk into a burger place and you'd get a cheeseburger. The same thing has gone for life. Perhaps you've been invited to an event so you give a good solid..."Maybe." There could be something better to come around, so we wait to RSVP.
This also goes for our beliefs. We are a fickle generation. Well, maybe we're not too far off from previous generations. Just think about those around when Christ was alive. One day the Jews are celebrating Christ's entry into Jerusalem and less than a week later they are convinced He should be crucified. It's almost unbelievable. But it's totally believable.
Perhaps you've seen this before: Someone is indoctrinated with an idea, then that person is presented with hard facts. They may even say, "Oh that's a good point. I understand now in a whole new way." However, two days later that person forgets everything that was put forth because they've been influenced by the original idea that has indoctrinated their thoughts.
This is why we need to practice our beliefs. We need to solidify the good thoughts that we have because the world is constantly selling a product contrary to what we know is true. We've heard the phrase, "You are what you eat." That rings true for what we intake through thoughts as well.
Truth only prevails when we continue to seek it. Otherwise it's easy to be led astray with whatever sounds most interesting at the time. If you want to be a Christian, commit to being a Christian. Practice being a Christian. Otherwise we're no different than a group of people who love the true King on Sunday and buy the lie to hate Him by Thursday.
Or we promise to not view porn on Monday and view it again on Wednesday. Commit to what you know is true.
This is why we need to practice our beliefs. We need to solidify the good thoughts that we have because the world is constantly selling a product contrary to what we know is true. We've heard the phrase, "You are what you eat." That rings true for what we intake through thoughts as well.
Truth only prevails when we continue to seek it. Otherwise it's easy to be led astray with whatever sounds most interesting at the time. If you want to be a Christian, commit to being a Christian. Practice being a Christian. Otherwise we're no different than a group of people who love the true King on Sunday and buy the lie to hate Him by Thursday.
Or we promise to not view porn on Monday and view it again on Wednesday. Commit to what you know is true.
Today's Instructions:
A. Pray for the day, for friends, for family, for enemies. Thanksgiving, Requests, Praise.
B. In the Fortify Program, Update the battle tracker.
C. Go to the daily readings and read today's Scripture.
D. Journal the following: 1. Have you ever been wishywashy on something? 2. Is there something in your life that you need to commit to?
Today's Tips: When the urges come get up. Stop. Breathe. Pray. Write a letter to someone who has always been loyal to you, stuck with you no matter what. It could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, etc. Let them know how much that means to you and what qualities you admire about them.
God give you strength. See you tomorrow.
Don't ever come back to this page to start over. This is the launching pad. You've already begun, even if you fall.
If you want to review this page, please do, but do not come back here to start over.